Importance of Environmental Studies

Importance of Environmental Studies: The environment is said to be the element that surrounds living beings during their lifetime. It is divided into two-part Biotic and Abiotic. The environment is made up of some inanimate elements. It is a natural ingredient such as soil, water, air, light, energy, heat, fog, and so on. A person’s life is directly and indirectly determined by these elements of the environment. A person’s activities also affect changes in his or her environment.

The whole environment is made up of natural, social, and human resources. Our environment is made up of the surrounding vegetation, hills, mountains, rivers, forests, homes and springs, factories, and humans and animals. The elements of this environment are mainly composed of living and non-living elements.

  • According to W.B. Sawyer, the environment refers to both natural and unnatural environmental conditions.
  • According to TN. Khosho, it is our environment that is fully influencing the development of living things.

The Environment Is Divided Into Different Parts

1. Natural Environment: The natural environment around us that is not man-made is the natural environment. The elements of this natural environment are – air, water, light, soil, forest, plants, and animals. Man in this environment is life and also an element of the environment. This natural environment changes with the change of seasons and the change in climate.

2. Artificial Environment: The artificial environment that man-made environment influences man.

3. Biological Environment: All living things live in this environment. The effects of the environment change the way we live, work, and live in the wild.

4. Socio-Economic Environment: A socio-economic environment in which human growth, inheritance, and cultural development are known as communal life. It contributes to the socio-cultural development of the economy.

Importance of Environmental Studies

  1. Here the importance of environmental studies is given below:
  2. Environmental studies give us knowledge of the environment and its components.
  3. Environmental studies make us aware of the usefulness and conservation of this planet. Environmental protection works to protect the next generation.
  4. Provides relevant ideas at the public and community levels.
  5. Environmental studies help individuals and social groups to cultivate a sense of sensitivity to the whole environment and environmental issues.
  6. It provides information on distribution and environmental pollution. Various plans are being made based on this pollution.
  7. How the balance of the environment has been destroyed as the population has increased; This will help to collect various information about all of this. Expressing interest in how to keep the environment clean and balanced.
  8. To make them aware of the pollution of the environment, air, water, sound, and heat, to realize the beauty of the various flowers and animals of the world.
  9. This leads to ideas about the impact and problems of the environment.
  10. By environmental studies, It is possible to collect data on the environment, to categorize the causes and consequences of environmental disparities through maps, charts, graphs, and so on.
  11. Environmental studies inspire new initiatives and plans.
  12. Environmental studies help for planting trees, industry, and clean air pollution among the people is conducive to healthy living by controlling noise pollution.

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